Projects, exhibitions, creative camps, openings, workshops, colloquium, concerts, festivals
presentation film
The Painting Colony
The documentary film made immediately after the completion of the site illustrates a state of affairs and preserves some testimonies and sweeps of the people directly involved in the realization of this project, in the pursuit of the site, details that are lost in time, or acquire another dimension.
Colony of Painters,
space for expozitiievenimenteistorierezidente


As the infrastructure of the cultural spaces, he coordinated the rehabilitation project of the Painters’ Colony and the rehabilitation project of the Baia Mare Art Gallery.
Laura Teodora GHINEA
cultural manager
In 2017 he received the distinction of Professor Bologna – awarded by the National Alliance of Student Organizations in Romania (ANOSR).
Adrian Vasile CHIRA
cultural advisor
She studied the courses of the Department of Graphics at the Faculty of Fine Arts within the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, obtaining her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in 2020 and 2022, respectively
Anamaria STANCIU
Counselor II, Communication at the Cultural Projects Department
Este dublu licențiat în Design, respectiv Arte plastice – pictură, în anul 2013, resperctiv 2015, al UAD – Cluj Napoca respectiv al U.T.C.N – C.U.N.B.M
Pavel Alin HEREȘ
consilier comunicare
He worked for 21 years in the construction field both as an employee in the early years of his career and as an entrepreneur with his personal company.
maintenance worker
Worked in commerce for 19 years, cultivating public relations.
caretaker at the administrative department
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